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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


There are versions of the meanings of why Nasi Tumpeng are made a certain way. In fact, there are many kinds of Nasi Tumpeng that serves different purposes. Here are some of those versions of the meanings.
The Cornucopia shaped Rice 
Cornucopia Shaped Rice carries meaning that everything in life will go to one point on top, GOD.  Indonesian cultures are generally spiritual.
Although the original Tumpeng Rice are white (to symbolize purity), but nowadays the rice typically has yellow coloring from the turmeric. The color Yellow symbolizes glory and grandeur. The rice is typically flavored with spices like clove, cardamom, lemongrass, and cooked in coconut milk.
Sometimes the base of the rice made in two of three levels to symbolizes “going up” to higher degree in life.
The base of the dish, or the plate, is typically round to symbolize wholeness and continuity.
The Chicken Dish
Chicken dish uses to symbolize hard work without being greedy. Some other uses roasted whole Male Cock that symbolizes annihilation of arrogance in one’s personality.
The Egg Dish
There has to be egg dish in a Nasi Tumpeng package. Egg symbolizes wholeness and completeness of a circle of life. It can be shredded omelette, or simply seasoned boiled eggs.
Whoke Boiled unpeeled eggs symbolizes work before enjoying the results. Because first you have to peel the eggs before eating it.
Dried Anchovy Dish
Dish made out of dried anchovy, or other little fishes that come in groups. This symbolizes togetherness. Indonesian cultures are typically communal where togetherness thought to be very important.
Sometimes, the small fishes replaced with nuts or sliced Tempe (Indonesian Soy Cake) to symbolizes the same thing.
The Vegetables
Vegetables symbolizes different meanings. Kangkung (Hawaiian Watercress) and spinach  symbolized peace, due to its cooling properties. Bean sprouts symbolizes good growth. Stringbeans symbolize the wish of longevity. Bright colored vegetables also used to symbolizes happiness. The urab (mixed vegetables) can symbolizes unity in diversity, and etc.
The Fencing Made out of string beans.
The Fencing symbolizes protection. It is wrapped around the edges of the rice dish. The fencing typically made of weaved Stringbeans. Or, peas.
The way of eating Tumpeng is also ceremonial. Sometimes, the meaning and symbols carries by the Tumpeng is explained by a preacher as part of a ceremony. After that, usually a prayer is performed together to bless the people and the food, and finally the most respected person of the ceremony will cut the top of the cornucopia marking that the feast can be initiated.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Kinds of Nasi Tumpeng

This is all of kind of Nasi Tumpeng

1. Tumpeng Dlupak

2. Tumpeng Kendhit

3. Tumpeng Robyong

4. Tumpeng Among - Among

5. Tumpeng Nujuh Bulan

6. Tumpeng Putih

7. Tumpeng Nasi Kuning

8. Tumpeng Nasi Uduk

9. Tumpeng Ungkur - Ungkuran

History of Nasi Tumpeng

The early times

in the early days, javanese people made food in big portions called nasi tumpeng.
they picked the rice and shape it like a cone because since they are in java, they made it based on the geographical condition in Java island which has many mountiain.

But, since the hindu and buddha religions spread trough java, the javanese people are too affected to hindu and buddha religion. They thought that the cone-shaped rice mimics the holy mountain, Mahameru mountain. From hindu and buddha religions, the ancestors stayed on the peak of the mountain.

Since then, they expressed the meaning of the rice as the system of the universe. So its spread across java and near it but it never spread nationally. 

The new age

since after the independence day, they made an event called tumpengan there they made a giant Nasi Tumpeng that was more then 200 portions. Then, Nasi Tumpeng spread over indonesia.

But, because there was instability between the meat and vegetables in Nasi Tumpeng, they changed it. Then Nasi Tumpeng spread internationally but the philosophy, meaning and cultural value stayed within indonesia 

Nasi Tumpeng images

Maybe this picture will make you hungry!!! yummmy